Pengembangan bahan ajar berbasis muatan lokal pada mata kuliah Pendidikan Kewarganegaraan

Emil El Faisal, FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia
Sulkipani Sulkipani, FKIP Universitas Sriwijaya, Indonesia


This research aimed at (1) developing teaching materials based on local content for Civic Education in University; and (2) describing the potential impact of local content on student consciousness on local culture. It was a developmental research. The subject were student registered in Civic Education Course (Mata Kuliah PKn) at History Department. Pilot project was validated through one to one, small group, and field evaluation. The analyzed result indicates that the developed instrument was valid and has potential impact. Supported data shows that the mean score prior to implementation was 6.86 and after implementation was 7.73. In other words, there was an increasing student achievement before and after its implementation. Accordingly, we suggest that this developed material could be implemented widely.


civic education

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Jurnal Civics Media Kajian Kewarganegaraan is published by Univesitas Negeri Yogyakarta in collaboration with Indonesia Association Profession of Pancasila and Civic Education/Asosiasi Profesi Pendidikan Pancasila dan Kewarganegaraan (AP3KnI).

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