Kuswarsantyo Kuswarsantyo, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Marwanto Marwanto, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Rumiwiharsih Rumiwiharsih, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Kata Kunci: Evaluasi, kurikulum 2014, Prodi pendidikan Seni tari
Curriculum 2014 Evaluation: Dance Education
The purposes of this study were to: (1) describe the result of dance art education study program curriculum evaluation needed by the community; (2) get data from stake holders or alumni to develop ideal curriculum concepts to produce competitive dance arts education study program graduates. This was a qualitative study. The realization of this research was evaluation research that has a direction to get feedback from the policy results. The object of the study was curriculum 2014 in the dance art education study program that will be seen from its content, distribution of courses for each semester, and course descriptions. The subjects of the research were 30 people consisting of alumni of the dance arts education study program: 15 stakeholders and 15 students of the department of dance art education study program. Results on the evaluation of curriculum 2014 in dance art education study program consist of 3 fields: (1) the content of the curriculum; (2) course distribution; (3) course description. Material testing on the alumni and stakeholders about the content of the curriculum revealed that art appreciation course should be added in the curriculum; while material testing on the students suggested adding body training and choreography course. Material testing on the students about the course description recommended putting seminar course on the seventh semester. Then, material testing on alumni and stake holders about course description suggested adding character education and nationalism on citizenship education, citizenship, and religion courses. Scoring on practical courses need to be completed with attitude assessment. Nevertheless, material testing on students showed a need to add management of entrepreneurship courses.
Keywords: Evaluation, curriculum 2014, dance art education study program
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Sumber Internet
DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/imaji.v16i2.22734
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