Model pembelajaran blended partisipatif kemitraan sekolah dan orangtua
Yi Ying Chang, National Chiayi University, Taiwan, Province of China
Unik Ambar Wati, Faculty of Education, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Partisipasi orangtua dalam menyusun program kemitraan dengan sekolah masih belum optimal, sehingga seringkali orangtua hanya menjadi objek dalam program pendidikan di sekolah. Untuk mengatasi hal ini, dilakukan penelitian untuk mengembangkan model pembelajaran blended partisipatif kemitraan sekolah dan orangtua siswa. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian pengembangan dengan model ADDIE, dan teknik pengumpulan data meliputi observasi, wawancara, dan angket. Analisis data menggunakan analisis deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terciptanya model pembelajaran blended partisipatif kemitraan sekolah dan orangtua siswa dengan tahapan (1) Analisis, meliputi analisis kebutuhan dan situasi, analisis tujuan umum dan materi, analisis karakteristik orangtua siswa, analisis lingkungan/perangkat teknologi, dan analisis waktu pembelajaran blended. (2) Desain dengan dua mode yaitu face to face (synchronous) dan online (asynchronous). (3) Pengembangan yaitu mengembangkan tujuan dan materi pembelajaran, merancang strategi pembelajaran blended, mengembangkan learning resource dan validasi ahli. (4) Implementasi pembelajaran blended meliputi tahap uji coba satu-satu dan uji lapangan terbatas. (5) Evaluasi meliputi pengembangan evaluasi formatif dan sumatif serta revisi model. Model ini dinilai layak oleh ahli, yang dinyatakan layak dengan skor 3.58, dan praktis untuk digunakan dengan skor 3,65. Penilaian ahli materi kemitraan sekolah dan orangtua yaitu 3,76 (layak), sementara penilaian ahli pembelajaran terhadap desain model pembelajaran blended dengan skor 3.76 (layak). Implikasi dari hasil kelayakan dan kepraktisan model ini dapat digunakan dalam lingkup yang lebih luas.
Blended participatory learning model with school-parent partnership for student
Parents' participation in compiling and developing partnership programs is still not optimal; parents tend to become objects in educational programs at schools This research aimed to develop a participatory blended learning model for school partnerships and parents. The research method used was development research with the ADDIE model. Data collection techniques at the model development stage used observation, interviews, and questionnaires, additionally, for data analysis using descriptive analysis. The results of the study have compiled a participatory blended learning model for school partnerships and parents of students with stages (1) Analysis which includes analysis of needs and situations, analysis of general objectives and materials, analysis of parents' characteristics, analysis of the environment/technological devices, and analysis of blended learning time. (2) Design with two modes, namely face-to-face (synchronous) and online (asynchronous). (3) Development by developing learning objectives and materials, designing blended learning strategies, developing learning resources, and expert validation. (4) Implementing blended learning includes one-on-one trials and limited field trials. (5) Evaluation includes the development of formative and summative evaluations and model revisions. Expert validation on the participatory blended learning model was generally stated to be feasible with a score of 3.58 (decent). The expert's assessment of school partnerships and parents was 3.76 (appropriate), while the learning expert's assessment of the blended learning model design scored 3.76 (decent). Ultimately, the results of the practicality test obtained a score of 3.65 (practical). The implications of the results of the feasibility and practicality of this model can be used in a wider scope
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