Development of Teacher Guidelines on Non-Locomotor Movement Learning for Student with Autism
Satya Pambudi, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Febrita Paulina Heynoek, Fakultas Ilmu Keolahragaan, Universitas Negeri Malang, Indonesia
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan pedoman mengajar pembelajaran materi gerak non lokomotor untuk guru kelas III SDLB autis. Pedoman mengajar dibuat dilengkapi dengan panduan gerakan, gambar dan video terintegrasi melalui link dan QR Code dapat diakses melalui internet. Model penelitian dan pengembangan mengadaptasi model ADDIE (analysis, design, develop, implement, and evaluate). Metode penelitian pengembangan menggunakan pendekatan deskriptif kuantitatif, dengan teknik pengumpulan data melalui angket analisis kebutuhan dan instrumen penilaian validasi. Subjek penelitian yaitu 3 peserta didik dan 6 guru Autis Laboratorium Universitas Negeri Malang dan 9 peserta didik serta 12 guru SLB C Autis Negeri Tuban. Hasil ujicoba kelompok memperlihatkan presentase 78% pada kelompok kecil dan sebesar 95% pada kelompok besar. Berdasarkan data tersebut, disimpulkan bahwa pedoman mengajar guru materi gerak non lokomotor untuk siswa kelas III SDLB Autis sangat valid untuk digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
This study aimed to develop non-locomotor movement learning teaching guidelines for teachers of 3rd-grade students of SDLB with autism. The teaching guidelines were completed with instructions, pictures, and movement videos that can be accessed from the link and Qr Code via the internet. This research and development used ADDIE as the model. The method used in this research was a mixed method that combined qualitative and quantitative approachs. Data were collected through needs analysis questionnaires and judgement experts. This study involved 6 teachers and 3 students from SLB Autism Universitas Negeri Malang and 12 teachers and 9 students from SLB C Autism Tuban as the research subjects. The result of the study from small group and large group revealed the validation of teaching guidelines feasibility increased from 78% to 96% with very valid information. In conclusion, the non-locomotor movement learning teacher’s handbook for teachers of 3rd-grade students of SDLB with autism could be used in the learning and teaching process.
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