Female Student Prevention on Health Awareness at Padjadjaran Vocational High School

Muhammad Irfa Rifiza, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Windy Dermawan, Universitas Padjadjaran, Indonesia
Heni Nurhayati, SMK Padjadjaran Jatinangor, Indonesia


Healthy generation is one of the keys to achieving “Indonesia Emas 2045” envisioned by The Ministry of National Development Planning of Indonesia. To realize the vision, Indonesia should ensure the health of its citizens. Teenagers should become the priority because their nutrition and health might determine the quality of their future which implies the future of Indonesia's human resources quality. Anemia is a serious problem faced by Indonesia which has a prevalence of more than 40%. This paper aims to illuminate the anemia prevention efforts of female students at Padjadjaran Vocational High School. The design used in this study is qualitative, using a case study approach. The subjects of the study are teacher, vice principals, and program coordinators. Data  were  collected  through observation, interviews, and documentation.  The  data  validity technique  used  in  this  study  is  source and  technique triangulation,  with  data  analysis  using organize the data, peruse the data, coding the data, generating a description, determining how to convey the ideas and description, and interpreting the data. The results showed that SMK Padjadjaran, collaborating with Puskesmas, holds an anemia prevention program in that includes anemia prevention dissemination to students in SMK Padjadjaran conducted every three months, monthly blood check up to ensure students have not potentially suffered from anemia and prevent students from further disease if any, and providing blood supplement tablets to female students every week.


Anemia Prevention, Puskesmas, SMK Padjadjaran, Teenagers


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/jppm.v11i2.70304


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