Impact of Fear of Missing Out on Psychological Well-Being Among Emerging Adulthood Aged Social Media Users

Judithya Anggita Savitri, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study aimed to find out the impact of Fear of Missing Out (FoMO) FoMO on psychological well-being especially for social media users at the age of emerging adulthood. This study used a quantitative correlational research. The research was conducted through online questionnaire invloving 400 people obtained through accidental sampling method. The data collected using a fear of missing out (FoMO) scale and a psychological well-being scale that had been modified from Przybylski's FoMO scale and Ryff's Psychological well-being scale. The FoMO scale consists of 15 items with good reliability estimation (α = 0.849) and the psychological well-being scale consists of 45 items with also a good reliability estimation (α = 0.941). The data was analyzed using the simple linear regression. The anlysis revealed that FoMO was able to predict psychological well-being (F=43,753; p=0,000 < α 0,05). FoMO can predict psychological well-being with a contribution value of 9,99%. The regression equation line obtained was Y = 154,264 – 0,633X. Further discussion regarding the impact of fear of missing out on psychological well-being among emerging adulthood aged social media users were elaborated.


fear of missing out; psychological well-being; emerging adulthood

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