Student's profile of self-compassion at senior high school and implications for guidance and counseling
Syamsu Yusuf, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
M. Solehuddin, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Ipah Saripah, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Adolescence is a phase filled with uncertainty and confusion, especially when adolescents face academic failures, personal achievements, family pressures and physical images that cause emotional stress and emotional instability that affect adolescents' self-esteem. To overcome these challenges, adolescents must develop self-compassion, which is a good attitude towards themselves in dealing with failure and achieving psychological well-being. The purpose of this study was to determine the self-compassion profile of adolescents in senior high school. The research method used a quantitative survey design with 105 samples of senior high school adolescents (aged 16-17 years, the majority of Sundanese ethnicity, residing in rural areas). The research showed that adolescents' self-compassion was classified as moderate (95% = 100), high (1% = 1) and low (4% = 4). This condition coveyed that adolescents hadmoderate self-compassion although it was not too high. Descriptive test results showed a Cronbach Alpha of 0.415 in the moderate category with male adolescent having higher levels of self-compassion (mean 54.5) compared to female adolescent (mean 50.8). This finding highlights the importance of adolescents to master self-compassion in promoting emotional stability and resilience when facing any failure. Then the need for guidance and counseling programs focusingon developing self-compassion such as mindful self-compassion.
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