- Focus and Scope
- Section Policies
- Peer Review Process
- Open Access Policy
- Archiving
- Digital Archiving
Focus and Scope
urnal Penelitian Humaniora merupakan jurnal Open Access yang diterbitkan oleh Lembaga Penelitian dan Pengabdian kepada Masyarakat (LPPM) Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora menerbitkan artikel hasil penelitian nonpendidikan dan permasalahan-permasalahan yang terkait dengan kemanusiaan (budaya, bahasa, seni, ilmu sosial)
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora is Open Access Journal published by Institute of Research and Community Service, Yogyakarta State University.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora publishes articles of non educational research and issues related to humanity (culture, language, arts, social sciences)
Section Policies
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Peer Review Process
Each article published in Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora passes the process of double-blind review.
The novelty of the research, the appropriateness of the method, and also the continuity and clarity of the ideas become the main consideration in reviewing the submissions.
The reviewers chosen for the journal are experts in educational assessment, measurement, and evaluation, and also experts in different areas of study to focus on the topic of each manuscript.
Open Access Policy
This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.
This journal utilizes the LOCKSS system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration. More...
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora can be purchase by:
- Please fill in the Subscription Form (if you have problems with it you may contact us via email)
- Please send us the payment receipt, the subscription form and the contact number (transfer receipt to the account number attached in the form) enclosedhumaniora@uny.ac.id
The journal will be sent immediately after the subscription form and payment receipt have been sent.
Those who want to have cash payment may visit Journal Manager room on the first floor of the Institute of Research and Community Service, Yogyakarta State University (Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta), Yogyakarta 55281 Phone (0274) 550840
- 2011 : No 1 April & No 2 October
- 2012 : No 1 April & No 2 October
- 2012 : No 1 April & No 2 October
- 2013 : No 1 April & No 2 October
- 2014 : No 1 April & No 2 October
- 2015 : No 1 April & No 2 October
Here are the publication ethics:
- The manuscript presents complete and original information as well as objective data.
- Quotation source and reference cited in the manuscript must be informed.
- The manuscript is written concisely and clearly for efficiency.
- The manuscript is, at the same time, not being sent to and has never been published by another journal.
- Everyone involved in the research (students & supervisors) should be included in the team of writers.
- A writer who passed away should be included as a co-author.
- Authors must avoid fabrication (make up the data and results of a study).
- Authors must avoid falsification (manipulating research materials, equipment, process, changing the data or intentionally discarding data or results).
- Authors should avoid Plagiarism (taking ideas, processes, results or words without citing the sources).
- Authors should avoid Fragmentation (breaking research data into different themes of manuscript so that the discussion cannot become in-depth)
- The manuscript should not use copied materials from another article without permission.
- All materials/quotation earned from previous research, involving similar writers related to previous publications must be cited properly.
Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora (JPH) invites you to submit articles relating to the non educational research and issues related to humanity (culture, language, arts, social sciences)
Link: Author Guideline (Indonesian) (English)
Link: Template
Click here for submitting the manuscript as
(OJS User) or (New User)
Each article published in Jurnal Penelitian Humaniora passes the process of double-blind review.
The novelty of the research, the appropriateness of the method, and also the continuity and clarity of the ideas become the main consideration in reviewing the submissions.
The reviewers chosen for the journal are experts in educational assessment, measurement, and evaluation, and also experts in different areas of study to focus on the topic of each manuscript.
This journal charges the following author fees.
Article Submission: 0.00 (IDR)
Authors are not required to pay an Article Submission Fee as part of the submission process to contribute to review costs.
Article Publication: 0.00 (IDR)
If this paper is accepted for online publication, you are no required to pay Article Publication Fee. You will receive 3 copies journal which contain the author's article.
Digital Archiving
This journal utilizes LIPI, Google Scholar and Garuda (Garba Rujukan Digital) system to create a distributed archiving system among participating libraries and permits those libraries to create permanent archives of the journal for purposes of preservation and restoration.