Triple step writing strategy: Meningkatkan keterampilan menulis materi ajar multimodus representasi pada mahasiswa calon guru fisika
Parlindungan Sinaga, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Andi Suhandi, Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia, Indonesia
Abstrak: Keterampilan menulis materi ajar perlu dilatihkan kepada mahasiswa calon guru selama masa studinya. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengembangkan stategi menulis materi ajar multimodus representasi. Dengan menerapkan strategi tertentu diharapkan mahasiswa calon guru fisika meningkat dalam hal keterampilan menulis materi ajar fisika yang di dalamnya menyajikan gabungan dua atau lebih modus representasi. Metoda yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metoda penelitian dan pengembangan (Research and Development Methods). Tahap-tahap yang dilakukan dalam penelitian ini meliputi studi pendahuluan, perencanaan, mengembangkan rancangan strategi pembelajaran, ujicoba pendahuluan, merevisi produk dan ujicoba utama. Dengan menggunakan metode R & D telah dikembangkan strategi menulis materi ajar multimodus representasi yaitu Triple Step Writing Strategy (TS-WS). Ujicoba pendahuluan (pleriminary field testing) menggunakan metode pre-experiment desain the one group pretest-posttest design. Ujicoba utama (main field testing) menggunakan metode quasi-expeiment desain randomized pretest-posttest control group design. TS-WS sudah diujicobakan pada mahasiswa calon guru fisika yang berusia rata-rata 21 tahun pada sebuah LPTK di Bandung. Ujicoba pendahuluan melibatkan 15 mahasiswa calon guru fisika dan ujicoba utama 45 mahasiswa calon guru fisika. Untuk mengukur keterampilan menulis materi ajar multimodus representasi mahasiswa ditugaskan untuk menulis materi ajar multimodus representasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa TS-WS efektif dalam meningkatkan keterampilan menulis materi ajar multimodus representasi mahasiswa calon guru fisika.
Triple step writing strategy: Improving multimode representation teaching material writing skills of preservice physics teacher
Abstract: Writing teaching material skills need to be taught to the preservice teachers during their studies. This study aims to develop strategies to write multiple modes of representations teaching materials. By implementing these strategies, it is expected that preservice physics teachers are able to write physics teaching materials that present a combination of two or more modes of representation. The method used in this research is Research and Development (R & D) method. The stages of R & D methods carried out in this study include research and information collecting activities, planning activities, developing learning strategy designs, preliminary field testing, main product revision, and main field testing. Using the R & D method, a strategy has been developed to improve writing teaching material skills. Preliminary field testing used the one-group pretest-posttest design pre-experiment method. Main field testing used a quasi-experiment design randomized pretest-posttest control group design method. The strategies have been tested on preservice physics teachers who were on average 21 years old at an LPTK in Bandung. The preliminary field testing involved 15 preservice physics teachers and the main field testing was 45 preservice physics teachers. To measure the skills of writing multiple modes of representation teaching materials students are assigned to write multimodal representation teaching materials. The results showed that TS-WS was effective in improving the skill of writing multimodal representations of teaching materials for pre-service physics teachers.
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