Pengembangan model permainan bolatangan untuk anak usia sekolah dasar kelas atas
Kata Kunci: Pengembangan, Bolatangan, Sekolah Dasar Kelas Atas
This research aimed to develop a hand ball game model to upper class elementary school children. The product result is form guide and CD. This research included of three phase were stability and quality of the model by expert phase, small-scale phase, and large-scale pahse. This research conduct in elementary school 1 petir, elementary school 2 petir, elementary school kembangsari and MI sananul Ula. The instruments that use were the suitability of the model and the response of students to the game questionnaire. The results showed that the experts and teachers assess product matches. 100% the game can be done, fun and can make children be happy moving, 90,82% provide responses that the game is easy to do, 96, 94 % can understand the rules very well, 93,88% Students obedient to regulations, 10. 20% students have difficulty, 98,98% students feel a liking equipment used, 95. 92% cooperation can do and 6,74 % feared the games taught.
Keywords: development, handball, elementary school upper-classKeywords
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