Brand Authenticity as a Mediator of Relationship Between Self-Congruity and Consumer Loyalty

Susilo Hidayat, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Farida Agus Setiawati, Department of Psychology, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia


This study investigates the effect of brand authenticity as a mediator of self-congruity relationships on coffee shops consumer loyalty. Data obtained by cross-sectional method with convenience/accidental sampling through an online survey platform. Four hundred thirty responses (44.4% male) were collected from consumers of various brands of coffee shops located in DIY. The mediation effect hypothesis was tested using a bootstrapping approach and additional analysis of the causal step approach using the Sobel test. Self-congruity and brand authenticity have a positive effect on brand loyalty. There is a partial mediating effect produced by brand authenticity on the relationship between self-congruity and brand loyalty. Consumers' consideration to be loyal to the brand is not only based on the suitability of their self-concept with the brand image/brand users image (self-congruity), but also the brand's authenticity.


Brand authenticity; brand loyalty; self-congruity; coffee shop

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