Keefektifan model pembelajaran resik ditinjau dari sikap, motivasi, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa SMP
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan keefektifan model pembelajaran Realistik dalam Seting Kooperatif (RESIK) ditinjau dari sikap terhadap matematika, motivasi belajar matematika, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa SMP. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian eksperimen semu dengan pretest-postest non equivalent group design. Penelitian ini menggunakan satu kelompok eksperimen dan satu kelompok kontrol. Populasi penelitian mencakup seluruh siswa kelas VII SMPN 1 Selong, Kabupaten Lombok Timur, NTB yang terdiri dari 6 kelas. Untuk menguji keefektifan model pembelajaran RESIK dan model konvensional ditinjau dari masing-masing aspek yaitu sikap terhadap matematika, motivasi belajar matematika, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis digunakan analisis one sample t-test pada taraf signifikansi 5%. Selanjutnya untuk membandingkan keefektifan model pembelajaran RESIK dan model konvensional ditinjau dari aspek sikap terhadap matematika, motivasi belajar matematika, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis data dianalisis dengan menggunakan uji T2 Hotteling dengan taraf signifikansi 5%, dan uji-t univariat untuk menentukan model manakah yang lebih efektif. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan model pembelajaran RESIK efektif ditinjau dari sikap terhadap matematika, motivasi belajar matematika, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis siswa. Model pembelajaran RESIK lebih efektif daripada model konvensional ditinjau dari sikap terhadap matematika, motivasi belajar matematika, dan kemampuan berpikir kritis matematis.
Kata Kunci: realistik, kooperatif, RESIK
The effectiveness of the realistic model in cooperative setting in terms of the attitude, motivation, and mathematical critical thinking skill of junior high school students
This research aimed to describe the effectiveness of the realistic model in cooperative setting (RESIK model) in terms of the attitude, motivation, and mathematical critical thinking skill of junior high school students. This research was a quasi experimental study using pretest-posttest non equivalent group design. In this study, two experimental groups were used. Population of research covered the whole number of six classes of grade VII student of SMPN 1 Selong, Lombok Timur, NTB. There were three different tests used to examine the data. One sample t-test at a significance level of 5% was used to examine the effectiveness of learning using RESIK model and conventional approach in terms of the aspect of students’ attitude toward mathematics, mathematics learning motivation, and mathematical critical thinking skill. Then the data was analyzed using T2 Hotteling test at significance level of 5% to compare the effectiveness of RESIK model and conventional approach, and the last test was by using t-univariat test to determine which approach was more effective. The result indicates that both RESIK model and conventional approach in learning mathematics were effective in terms of the aspect of students’ attitude toward mathematics, mathematics learning motivation, and mathematical critical thinking skill at grade VII of SMPN 1 Selong. RESIK model more effective than conventional model in terms of the aspect of students’ attitude toward mathematics, mathematics learning motivation, and mathematical critical thinking skill.
Keywords: realistic, cooperative, RESIKKeywords
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