The importance of change management in increasing school resilience: Insights from Indonesian schools in Saudi Arabia

Sukirjo Sukirjo, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Siti Irene Astuti Dwiningrum, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Edi Purwanta, Universitas Negeri Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Badrus Sholeh, Education and Culture Attache KBRI Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Sutikno Sutikno, Overseas Indonesian School Jeddah, Saudi Arabia


School resilience must be strengthened for schools to be resilient and adaptable to change. To improve school resilience, change management is required. School resilience will be effective if it is supported by teacher and student resilience. Strengthening bonding, setting clear and consistent boundaries, teaching life skills, providing caring and support, set and communicating high expectations, and offering opportunities for meaningful participation are all components of school resilience. Individual resilience, on the other hand, consists of seven components: emotional regulation, impulse control, empathy, optimism, causal analysis, self-efficacy, and reaching out. If there is a synergy of work at the macro, mezzo, and micro levels, the school resilience policy will be formed. The objective of this research is to determine the level of school resilience and the change management strategies needed to strengthen the resilience of Indonesian schools in Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The sequential explanatory mixed method approach (Cresswell) was used as the research method, and the subjects of this study were Saudi Arabia teachers and high school students. The findings of this study concluded that the average school resilience profile, as perceived by teachers and students, was in the moderately resilient category, which aligned with the individual resilience levels of teachers and students. In order to strengthen all aspects that must be owned by the school, such as the existence of fundamental values, synergy of social roles, development of competencies and skills, literacy knowledge, social punishment, and the existence of excellent programs designed by schools in a sustainable manner, the school must be able to apply the phases of change management supported by the synergy between roles.


school resilience, management, strategy


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