Abstrak: Evaluasi Program E-Learning bagi Petugas Lapangan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan efektivitas pengembangan e-learning dalam program KB dengan menggunakan model evaluasi Context, Input, Process, Product (CIPP) oleh Stufflebeam. Data yang diperoleh dengan menggunakan guided interview, focus group discussion dan studi dokumentasi tentang pengembangan e-learning. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan hal-hal sebagai berikut. (1) Prinsip-prinsip dan rasional mengapa e-learning perlu dibangun dalam sistem belajar program KB telah dapat diidentifikasi dan telah dapat dibuktikan kesiapan tentang sistem dan komitmen yang mendukung pengembangan e-learing tersebut. (2) Penyesuaianpenyesuaian perlu dilakukan dalam sistem pelatihan, aplikasi dari organisasi belajar, tim pengembang e-learning, strategi e-learning, desain dan standard bahan pembelajaran, jaringan, bandwith, peralatan, serta dana untuk mendukung proses interaktif dalam belajar. (3) Perlu pemahaman dari organisasi tentang diperlukannya dukungan tambahan jaringan dan bandwith dalam belajar. (4) Perlu pemahaman dari sistem lokal tentang faktor-faktor teknis untuk memperbaiki proses belajar, meningkatkan kecepatan, dan menghindari masalah-masalah teknis yang lain selama proses interaksi.
Kata Kunci: e-learning, pengembangan, evaluasi
Abstract: An Evaluation of the E-learning Program for Field Workers. This study was aimed to improve the effectiveness of the e-learning development in the family planning program using the CIPP evaluation model.The data were collected through guided interviews, focus group discussion and documentation. The findings of the study showed the followings. (1) The principles and rationales of the e-learning development could be identified from the readiness of the system and the commitment to support the e-learning development, (2) Adjustments needed to be done in the training system, the application of the learning organization, the e-learning development team, e-learning strategies, the design and standard of the teaching materials, the network, bandwidth, equipment, and budget to support the interactive process in learning. (3) The organization needed to understand about the required support in the form of extra network and bandwidth. (4) The local system needed to understand about the technical factors to improve the learning process, the speed, and to avoid other technical problems in the interaction process.
Keywords: e-learning, development, evaluation
Kata Kunci: e-learning, pengembangan, evaluasi
Abstract: An Evaluation of the E-learning Program for Field Workers. This study was aimed to improve the effectiveness of the e-learning development in the family planning program using the CIPP evaluation model.The data were collected through guided interviews, focus group discussion and documentation. The findings of the study showed the followings. (1) The principles and rationales of the e-learning development could be identified from the readiness of the system and the commitment to support the e-learning development, (2) Adjustments needed to be done in the training system, the application of the learning organization, the e-learning development team, e-learning strategies, the design and standard of the teaching materials, the network, bandwidth, equipment, and budget to support the interactive process in learning. (3) The organization needed to understand about the required support in the form of extra network and bandwidth. (4) The local system needed to understand about the technical factors to improve the learning process, the speed, and to avoid other technical problems in the interaction process.
Keywords: e-learning, development, evaluation
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PDFDOI: https://doi.org/10.21831/cp.v0i1.1470
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