Rohmat Rohmat,


his research was focused on the leadership style of the
head-master of State Secondary School 2 Cilacap, the degree of the
head-master ability in doing the function as a manager, educator,
and leader, as well as the leadership effectiveness.
This research used qualitative-naturalistic method.
research subject consisted
of school personnel of State Secondary
School 2 Cilacap. The data was collected using interview technique,
observation, and documentation. The data validity was achieved
with external and internal criticism and triangulation method. The
data analysis technique was performed using Miles and Huberman
model, done in four interactive steps: data collection, data reduction,
data display, and conclusion.
The research result can be reported as follows :
1) the head­
of State Secondary School 2 Cilacap tends to adopt
participative leadership style; 2.a) Concerning level of ability, in
doing his function as a manager, it can be concluded that the
managerial functions (planning, organizing and controlling) have
been done effectively. But on the staffing side, especially on student
recruitment planning improvement is still seriously needed; b) The
head - master has done his function as a leader. c) Furthermore, the
head-master has done supervision function
as a leader; d) the head ­
master has shown good behaviour and can be a role model; 3) The
head-master leadership effectiveness has been achieved by teacher:
empowerment in the improvement
of instructional process as
indicated by graduates quality improvement.

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