Abstrak: Analisis Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Layanan Perencanaan, Anggaran, dan Pelaporan. Penelitian ini menggunakan penelitian deskriptif dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui kepuasan masyarakat terhadap layanan BP. Hasil penilaian IKM terhadap pelayanan perencanaan, anggaran dan pelaporan di BP BATAN masuk dalam kategori Baik. Metodologi pengambilan data menggunakan data primer dan pengolahan data menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan sampel sebanyak 534 responden dari 7 kegiatan yaitu kegiatan Penyusunan Perjanjian Kinerja (PK), Penyusunan Renstra, Perencanaan PNBP, Penyusunan RKA/KL, Revisi Anggaran, Monitoring dan Evaluasi Anggaran dan Kegiatan BATAN, dan Pelaporan Kegiatan dan Anggaran BATAN. Diperoleh nilai IKM sebesar 3,18 dengan nilai baik. Hasil analisis menunjukkan pelayanan Perencanaan, Anggaran dan pelaporan yang diberikan oleh Biro Perencanaan, dari 9 indikator diteliti ada 6 indikator dalam kategori pelayanan yang baik (biaya/tarif, maklumat pelayanan, perlaku pelaksana, kompetensi pelayanan, produk spesifikasi jenis pelayanan, dan waktu pelayanan) sementara 3 indikator lainnya tidak termasuk dalam kategori baik (pengaduan, saran, dan masukan, prosedur serta persayaratan).
Abstract: Analysis of Customer Satisfaction Index on Planning, Budgeting, and Reporting Services. BATAN Planning Bureau as a government apparatus in improving the quality and performance of its services in accordance with the needs of the community, in various sectors by conducting a Customer Satisfaction survey with questionnaire dissemination techniques that are delivered to the public as service users. The results of the questionnaire can be seen the weaknesses and shortcomings in providing services to the community related to the technical guidance of planning, budgeting and reporting that are less informative, not transparent and less accommodating. This needs to be done in the planning and budgeting assessment and research in 21 BATAN work units. This study uses descriptive research with the aim to determine public satisfaction with BP services. The results of IKM's assessment of planning, budgeting and reporting services at BP BATAN are included in the Good category. Data collection methodology uses primary data and data processing uses descriptive qualitative method with a sample of 534 respondents from 7 activities, namely the preparation of Performance Agreements (PK), Strategic Planning, PNBP Planning, RKA / KL Preparation, Budget Revision, Budget Monitoring and Evaluation and Activities BATAN, and BATAN Activity and Budget Reporting. The value of IKM was 3.18 with good value. The analysis shows the Planning, Budgeting and reporting services provided by the Planning Bureau, of the 9 indicators examined there were 6 indicators in the good service category (cost / tariff, service notice, implementing behavior, service competence, product specification type of service, and service time) while the other 3 indicators were not included in either category (complaints, suggestions, and input, procedures and requirements).
Jika Anda menyusun daftar pustaka menggunakan standar American Psychological Association (APA), Anda bisa copy paste teks dibawah ini untuk Anda masukkan pada bagian daftar pustaka Anda!
Agustini, S. (2020). Analisis Indeks Kepuasan Pelanggan Terhadap Layanan Perencanaan, Anggaran, dan Pelaporan. Efisiensi-Kajian Ilmu Administrasi, 17(1), 1–14.
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