Efisiensi Vol. 21 No. 2 Agustus 2024
Efisiensi Vol. 21 No. 1 Februari 2024
Efisiensi Vol. 20 No. 2 Agustus 2023
Efisiensi Vol. 20 No. 1 Februari 2023
Efisiensi Vol. 19 No. 2 Agustus 2022
Efisiensi Vol. 19 No. 1 Februari 2022
Efisiensi Vol. 18 No. 2 Agustus 2021
Efisiensi Vol. 18 No. 1 Februari 2021
Efisiensi Vol. 17 No. 2 Agustus 2020
The themes of studies in this edition consist of human resource management, digital record management, public services, and organizational culture. The topic of human resource management in this edition discusses leadership, organizational environment, job satisfaction, job promotion and leverage strategy analysis with the 5e model. The topic of record management discusses the implementation of digital record management in an organization. On the topic of public services, this edition of the discussion of public services in terms of content on the website. The topic of organizational culture discusses the role of culture and local values in women's organizations.
Efisiensi Vol. 17 No. 1 Februari 2020
The major theme that is being studied in this edition is related to human resource management and record management. The quality of service planning, budgeting and reporting are one of the service performance parameters that must be measured to assess the level of service quality. However, the existence of social media also has an impact on the social lifestyle of the community. In order to develop sustainable competitiveness, someone who focuses on human resource management must be able to see opportunities, especially human capital, which is built from competence and commitment in organizations and in social life. In addition, in a good corporate organization, excellent record administration is required. Excellent record administration is appropriate and easy to rediscover. Thus, by optimizing human resource assets according to technological developments and excellent record management, an agency will undoubtedly develop rapidly to adapt to the demands.
Efisiensi Vol. XVI No. 2 Agustus 2019
The study discussed in this edition, generally related to performance and enterpreneurship. There are studies abaut staffing safety culture. Other than that, also stated that efforts to understand each other became important to achieve job satisfaction, which is how an organization understand the collective goals between themselves and organization. On the other hand, the implementation of Staffing Management Information System become a concern for office management in this 4.0 industry revolution era. Apart from focusing on staffing system, there are several author that highlight about the implementation of executing archive management system in organization/institute, which is a creation function. The support from information system is highly beneficial to support the office’s job roles and job assignments. A secretary have to choose a higher skill for their job fulfillment and responsibilities nicely. Another study which become an additional competence is community based tourism in a trending community groups nowadays for developing tourism sector. MICE (Meeting, Incentive, Conference, Exhibition) is one of the newest breakthrough for Indonesian’s tourism improvement.
Efisiensi Vol. XVI No. 1 Februari 2019
Studies discussed in this edition will assess how we will be stay exist in this 4.0 industry revolution era. Several topics related with production unit, training program evaluation, organization commitment, retirement loan automatization, SMK’s students readiness to work, the role of accounts receivable turnover and the development of commercial letters. Development of production unit, needs to become our concern because practical activities in production units is less efective at improving student’s motivation to learn enterpreneurship. On the other hand, we need to give communication training to SMK’s students because after the training there are improvement of communication skill in daily life. Another study related to organizational commitment also showing that there are significant influence between work motivation, job satisfaction result and work characterisctic non-significant influence, leadership also justice of organization influence the organizational commitment. Weighted product method makes it easier to determine retirement credit loans. Study about work readiness shows that there are simultan influence between On The Job Training (OJT), learning achievement, work information, and work motivation to student’s work readiness. The following study concerned about the roles of accounts receivable turnover to ROI. Company shows that there are a positive influence between account receivable turnover and profitability level. The final study related to business letter, suggested to use communication technology facility in this disruption era for corespondency, because communication technology will make it easier for the job.
Efisiensi Vol. XV No. 2 Agustus 2018
The studies discussed in this edition focus on mastering the competence of office and secretarial administration graduates. One of the roles of the secretary is to carry out the public relations function, so that a prospective secretary is required to have the skills to design publications. In addition, it is very important to know the response of alumni users related to what skills a secretarial graduate must master. In addition, it is necessary to apply a collaborative learning method, where the perspective of this method is that someone is said to be learning if the person is actively involved in the learning process. The use of media in the learning process in the classroom to make the learning atmosphere enjoyable and can foster students' motivation to learn. On the other hand, the quality of educators is also the key to success in the implementation of learning, increasing the competence of educators can be done through training. Therefore, a training evaluation program is needed to measure the extent to which the objectives of the education and training have been achieved. Educators must be ready to develop competency in English as an international language for students through teaching and learning activities. In the era of the industrial revolution 4.0, educators also need to use e-learning technology to support the success of the learning process.
Efisiensi Vol. XV No. 1 Februari 2018
The studies discussed in this edition focus on the competence of students, secretaries, and non-profit organizations. One way to achieve the competence of Secretarial graduates is to provide opportunities for students to do street vendors. PKL implementation requires good coordination between students, D3 secretarial study program and partner agencies or the world of work / industry (DU / DI). The importance of mastering English for secretaries is that English can open a world window to enter a wider new world, improve careers, improve communication, provide added value, increase knowledge and insight about international information, and language of instruction to make it easier to understand gadget and internet technology . Secretary jobs in the office require information technology media. By using this technology, office work can be efficient and effective.
Today, it is not only for-profit organizations that carry out various marketing strategies to attract consumers. Non-profit organizations also carry out various marketing strategies in order to survive. In this modern era and unlimited information, exponential marketplaces and companies have sprung up, causing consumers' desire to be served in a fast and concise manner. The maximum quality of online services will create customer loyalty that leads to customer engagement. Staffing is an important element in administration that will drive the other elements. So it really needs attention in its role or activity.
Efisiensi Vol. XIV No. 1 Februari 2016
The paper which is presented in the journal Efficiency Volume XIV begins with the idea of the importance of office layout to produce the effectiveness of office work. A series of work in an office can be completed quickly and precisely if the office space is properly arranged according to the work flow. A systematic arrangement of workspace according to the order of work can support the achievement of work effectiveness in the office.
The next article discusses the role of non-verbal communication in supporting the professionalism of the secretary. Secretary as a profession whose job is to deal with other parties, is required to have good communication skills. A secretary is not only required to master verbal communication skills, but also must master non-verbal communication skills. Non-verbal communication is needed to strengthen and clarify messages from communicators to communicants. Furthermore, the findings of research results on the influence of knowledge and religious orientation on interest in becoming a customer of Islamic Mini Bank FE UNY are presented. In addition, the findings of research on the implementation of electronic archive management systems in Yogyakarta city government offices are also presented. This paper presents information about the implementation of electronic records management systems by government agencies within the Yogyakarta city government. The last paper presented discusses the role of administration in building a character society. The character crisis that hit the generation of the Indonesian nation must be overcome with various disciplines. This paper presents the idea of building a society of character through the discipline of administration.
Efisiensi Vol. XIII No. 2 Agustus 2015
In this edition, Damiatun Nafiah discusses the problem of the Role of Typer Shark Deluxe as a Fast Typing Learning Media for Secretary Candidates. Even though the present era has entered the computer era, typing lessons are still needed to practice basic computer typing skills quickly. Given that typing is a skillful job, it is necessary to look for more appropriate learning media.
Rumsari Hadi S. highlighted the problem of the role of a Secretary as a Public Relations practitioner in an organization. The Department of Administrative Education, Faculty of Economics, Yogyakarta State University also opened a non-educational Secretarial Study Program for Diploma 3 level. Therefore, this edition discusses the opportunities of Secretarial graduates to become public relations (PR) practitioners who are indispensable in society.
Arwan Nur Ramadhan together with Purwanto raised the results of research on the Performance of Electronic Filing Systems in the Office Administration Education Study Program. The results of this study can be used as feedback in the learning process as well as material for evaluating the extent to which the electronic filing system has been implemented in the Office Administration Education Study Program.
Archival issues include the subject matter for Office Administration and Secretarial study programs. Therefore, on this occasion a priority discussion that refers to electronic archives. For the future of document storage, archive is done electronically which can save space.
Iin Kristiyanti discussed the issue of Archives Management in Improving Service Quality. In this case, if not managed properly, archiving services will result in disappointment. Which one takes too long to handle, slow, sometimes you don't even find it. So a good archive management is needed so that service quality can be improved.
In accordance with developments in the global era, Chusnu Syarifa Diah Kusuma highlighted the importance of teachers in developing interest in learning English. It is a demand that cannot be avoided that a foreign language (English) is a language that really needs to be mastered by teachers because a lot of knowledge is contained in English-language books. How could the teacher's knowledge increase and develop quickly if you don't master English.
Efisiensi Vol. XIII No. 1 Februari 2015
In this study, this edition discusses excellent service and corporate culture. The government bureaucracy in Indonesia during the New Order era was often identified as corrupt and slow. Then, the bureaucracy during the Reformation Order, which was expected to show the new face of the New Order bureaucracy, in fact failed to represent a bureaucracy capable of understanding the real context of service. Even corruption is rampant to the lowest level of bureaucracy. Public expectations were not able to be well represented during the Reformation Order. There are three categories of secretarial competencies, namely: general competencies, core competencies, and special competencies (additional). The education system is directed at realizing RISE (Relevance, Academic Atmosphere, Institutional Management, Suistability, and Efficiency). Government policies provide space for educational institutions to always develop quality and provide excellent service to their stakeholders. The goal in forming a good corporate culture is to create a high employee work ethic, a high work ethic is a measure of the quality of a company. Company culture is a soft side, as a support for the hard side (production systems, structural design and technology) to spur quality. Records management is an important aspect in an organization, both business and government organizations. Increasing the volume of work in an organization, causing an increase in the number of records produced. The number of archives that are increasing from time to time requires good handling so that the information contained in these archives can be found quickly and accurately.